Home Liqueurs Jaegermeister TRAVELLERS' EXCLUSIVE 35% Vol. 1,75l in Giftbox with 2 Shotglaesern and Dosierpumpe

Jaegermeister TRAVELLERS' EXCLUSIVE 35% Vol. 1,75l in Giftbox with 2 Shotglaesern and Dosierpumpe

SKU: 21869
Brand: Jaegermeister Country of Origin: Germany Alcohol Content: 35.0% Weight: 7.32 lb Barcode: 4067700027191
Sale price $53.36
190 in stock

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Jaegermeister TRAVELLERS' EXCLUSIVE 35% Vol. 1,75l in Giftbox with 2 Shotglaesern and Dosierpumpe

Jaegermeister TRAVELLERS' EXCLUSIVE 35% Vol. 1,75l in Giftbox with 2 Shotglaesern and Dosierpumpe

Jaegermeister is a liqueur of 56 herbs. The recipe for the liqueur has been around since 1934, and Jaegermeister is produced and bottled in Wolfenbuettel in Lower Saxony.

The Jaegermeister logo refers to the St. Hubertus legend and shows the head of a deer with a shining cross between the rungs of its antlers.

On the label of the bottle is the following poem by Otto von Riesenthals

It is the hunter's shield of honor,

that he protects and cares for his game,

...and hunts like a hunter,

honors the Creator within the creature.